Volumi 1 - 10 su 69. Volumi per pagina
  • Garibaldi in Sudamerica (REMAINDER) Quick View
    • Garibaldi in Sudamerica (REMAINDER)

    • 12,00
    • PICCOLI DIFETTI IN COPERTINA O PRIME EDIZIONI La formazione militare dell'eroe dei due mondi iniziò negli anni in cui entrò al servizio della repubblica secessionista del Rio Grande do Sul. Nonostante l'ampia pubblicistica riguardante le imprese di Garibaldi e la nascita del suo mito, gli anni trascorsi nel continente americano sono quelli meno conosciuti in Italia; eppure la partecipazione dei nostri connazionali alle guerre d'indipendenza in America Latina contribuì alla formazione della coscienza politica di molti patrioti e diede un…
  • Garibaldi in Sudamerica Quick View
    • Garibaldi in Sudamerica

    • 20,00
    • La formazione militare dell'eroe dei due mondi iniziò negli anni in cui entrò al servizio della repubblica secessionista del Rio Grande do Sul.Nonostante l'ampia pubblicistica riguardante le imprese di Garibaldi e la nascita del suo mito, gli anni trascorsi nel continente americano sono quelli meno conosciuti in Italia; eppure la partecipazione dei nostri connazionali alle guerre d'indipendenza in America Latina contribuì alla formazione della coscienza politica di molti patrioti e diede un impulso decisivo all'elaborazione dei metodi di lotta del…
  • American Civil War – 150 years & 150 photos (REMAINDER) Quick View
    • American Civil War – 150 years & 150 photos (REMAINDER)

    • 12,00
    • PICCOLI DIFETTI IN COPERTINA O PRIME EDIZIONI La Guerra Civile Americana scoppiò il 12 aprile 1861. Questo conflitto, insieme a quello di Crimea del 1854, è stato il primo ad essere fotografato in modo intensivo. Per la prima volta nella storia, degli uomini potevano vedere gli effetti terribili della guerra non solo su pittoriche tele di corte, ma anche su questo nuovissimo supporto che allora era la fotografia. Il buon numero di fotografi professionisti permise agli USA ciò che in…
  • American Civil War – 150 years & 150 photos Quick View
    • American Civil War – 150 years & 150 photos

    • Il prezzo originale era: €23,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €12,00.
    • 1861 - 2011: 150 anni con Johnny Reb & Billy Yankee - Il libro del 150esimo La Guerra Civile Americana scoppiò il 12 aprile 1861. Questo conflitto, insieme a quello di Crimea del 1854, è stato il primo ad essere fotografato in modo intensivo. Per la prima volta nella storia, degli uomini potevano vedere gli effetti terribili della guerra non solo su pittoriche tele di corte, ma anche su questo nuovissimo supporto che allora era la fotografia. Il buon numero…
  • Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808 Quick View
    • Spanish soldiers during the Napoleonic wars 1797-1808

    • 29,00
    • In the late 18th century, Bourbon-ruled Spain had an alliance with Bourbon-ruled France and therefore did not have to fear a land war. Its only serious enemy was Britain, which had a powerful Royal Navy; Spain, therefore, concentrated its resources on its Navy. When the French Revolution overthrew the Bourbons, a land war with France became a danger which the king tried to avoid. The Spanish Army was ill-prepared. The officer corps was selected primarily on the basis of royal…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 5 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 5

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume V • 5.1 Guardia nazionale – Guardia d’onore – Zappatori e pompieri • 5.2 Truppe alleate - Baviera • 5.3 Truppe alleate - Württemberg • 5.4 Truppe alleate - Francoforte sul Meno • 5.5 Truppe alleate - Baden • 5.6 Truppe alleate - Assia e Assia • 5.7 Truppe alleate - Nassau - Vestfalia • 5.8 Truppe alleate - Würzburg - Sassonia • 5.9 Truppe alleate - Gotha - Coburgo - Weimar - Lippe •…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 4 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 4

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume IV • 4.1 Artiglieria • 4.2 Genio • 4.3 Treno dell'equipaggio • 4.4 Corpo della “Remonte” • 4.5 Commissari di guerra - Ispettori - Intendenti • 4.6 Corpo sanitario • 4.7 Amministrazione • 4.8 Soldati invalidi, riformati e veterani • 4.9 Scuole militari • 4.10 Truppe leggere e straniere • 4.11 Gendarmeria • 4.12 Guardia di Parigi • 4.13 Truppe di marina e coloniali • 4.14 Truppe indigene Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart…
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 3

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume III • 3.1 Fanteria • 3.2 Cacciatori a piedi e fanteria leggera • 3.3 truppe d’Africa Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 88 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 2

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume II • 2.1 Cavalleria • 2.2 Carabinieri • 2.3 Corazzieri • 2.4 Dragoni • 2.5 Cavalleggeri e Lancieri • 2.6 Cacciatori a cavallo • 2.7 Ussari Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 88 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • The uniforms of French armies 1690-1894 – Vol. 1

    • 29,00
    • Uniformi dell'esercito francese (1690-1894) Volume I • 1.1 Stato maggiore generale • 1.2 Maison du Roi • 1.3 Guardie della Convenzione, del Direttorio e del Consolato • 1.4 Guardia Imperiale Napoleone I • 1.5 Guardia reale • 1.6 Guardia imperiale Napoleone III • 1.7 Gendarmeria Di Luca Stefano Cristini, tavole di Lienhart e Humbert, 92 pagine In inglese Buy this book on Amazon.com Compra questo libro su Amazon.it
  • Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • Uniforms of French armies 1750-1870 – Vol. 3

    • 29,00
    • In this book are present the development and complexity of France's uniforms, from the Louis XV era just to Second Empire of Napoleon III. All the subjets are seen through the eyes of Jacques Marie Gaston Onfroy de Bréville, well known by the pen name Job after his initials (1858-1931), a great French artist. The serie is published on 3 volumes that include about 200 and more wonderful original illustrations of uniforms from the 18th century to Napoleonic era and…
  • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 3 Quick View
    • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 3

    • 29,00
    • In this third and last volume we present all the other images of French Restoration Army present in usual collection, always realized by several famous French artist of XIX cent. The first part are dedicated to the finest plates of the famous artist Jacques Marie Gaston Onfray De Breville better known As Job. The other artists are: Aubry, Benigni, Boisselier, E.Chaperon, Dupray,  Hilpert, Knotel, Krakow, Lapeyre, R.Louis, Roux, Vallet & others . Also this book is based almost entirely on…
  • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 2 Quick View
    • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 2

    • 29,00
    • In this second volume we present all the images realized by several famous French artist of XIX cent. half book is dedicated to about forty boards of the famous Painter Eugène Lami. The other artists are: Joseph Louis Hippolyte Bellangé, Henri-Louis Dupray, Jean-Baptiste Genty, Roger Croux and others. Also this book is based almost entirely on the Viskuezzen collection, which belongs to the NYPL, to whom we are particularly grateful. We left all the captions of the plates in the…
  • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 1 Quick View
    • Uniforms of French restoration 1814-1830 – Vol. 1

    • 29,00
    • In this first volume we present all the images realized for the volume: “Histoire del la Maison Militaire du Roi de 1814 a 1830”. A great work realized in 1890 by Eugène Titeux. The work is in two volumes with a total of 84 color plates. Our edition is based almost entirely on the Viskuezzen collection, which belongs to the NYPL, to whom we are particularly grateful. We left all the captions of the plates in the original French text. All the…
  • Le uniformi militari dell’armata sarda 1840-1855 Quick View
    • Le uniformi militari dell’armata sarda 1840-1855

    • 35,00
    • Le tavole presentate in questo volume provengono da due antichi e rarissimi volumi appartenenti alla nostra collezione e a quelle dei nostri collaboratori. Essi contengono alcune decine di tavole litografiche in grande formato splendidamente illustrate. Il primo è opera di due insigni artisti contemporanei: Lorenzo Pedrone e Francesco Gonin e fanno riferimento all’esercito di Sua Maestà il re di Sardegna negli anni immediatamente precedenti la prima guerra di Indipendenza del 1848. Si tratta di 30 tavole accompagnate da cartigli indicanti…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 14  Irregular troops, flag and standard part 2 Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 14 Irregular troops, flag and standard part 2

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 13  Irregular troops, flag and standard Part 1 Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 13 Irregular troops, flag and standard Part 1

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 12 Don cossacks, Black sea cossacks Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 12 Don cossacks, Black sea cossacks

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 11 Service troops, medical, civilian and others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 11 Service troops, medical, civilian and others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 10 General, major staff, aide de camp and others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 10 General, major staff, aide de camp and others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 9 Guards sapper, engineers, staff and others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 9 Guards sapper, engineers, staff and others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 8 Guards dragoons, lancers, ussars and others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 8 Guards dragoons, lancers, ussars and others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 7 Guards infantry & Guards cuirassier regiments Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 7 Guards infantry & Guards cuirassier regiments

    • Il prezzo originale era: €39,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €37,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 6 Invalid, Garrison arsenal and others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 6 Invalid, Garrison arsenal and others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €35,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…
  • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 5 Engineers, General staff, Garrison & others Quick View
    • Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 – Vol. 5 Engineers, General staff, Garrison & others

    • Il prezzo originale era: €35,00.Il prezzo attuale è: €33,00.
    • This volume is related to the Russian Army during the zar Nicolas Ist era, and are about the Gendarmes, Train, Artillery, Sappers & Pioneers in use from 1825 to 1855. Compiled at Saint Petersburg during the year from 1837 and 1851, the Historical Description of the Clothing and Arms of the Russian Army has had an enormous impact and great importance for the study on the history of Russian costume and uniformology development over the past centuries. There are various ancient…